Did you know that you can rent your home to a film production company? Your kitchen could be in the movies — or a TV show or a commercial. Utah has a long history with Hollywood. If you have seen The Sandlot, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, or High School Musical, then you have seen a movie that was filmed in the Beehive State. To get your property on the silver screen (or silver stream?) list it as a film location with the Utah Film Commission.
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A film location is a place where movies and television are shot. Some filmmakers don’t build a set at a studio because of budgetary or aesthetic reasons. Instead they shoot “on location” in a building or on the street, usually to get a more authentic feel to their project. Before filming, production companies send out a location scout who is in charge of finding the perfect locations. That’s where your home comes in. Instead of waiting for a scout to randomly come across your property, you can list your home on the Utah Film Commision database. The database is public but only industry pros have access to private addresses and contact info.
First of all, listing your home on the Utah Film Commission database is free. Secondly, you may be able to make some Hollywood money. Like thousands of dollars per week kind of money. The production company will compensate you based on the length of stay and how extensively they use your home. And of course, your property might become famous which could raise its market value. Your neighbors might even cut a check.
The short answer is: all kinds! You may think that your house needs to be in tip-top shape for Hollywood stars, but no. Filmmakers are looking for whatever location suits their project. They might need a cabin in the woods, a shabby 1990s condo or a modern mansion. If you own a period property like a 1970s bungalow that has never been remodeled, you may be sitting on a goldmine, not just a harvest-gold bean bag.
Think about it from the perspective of a filmmaker. Do you have available parking? Cooperative neighbors? A cool porch? Sometimes only exterior shots of the house are used so even an interesting driveway might do the trick.
Just because you listed your property on the database doesn't mean you have to commit to anything. Maybe a production company wants to film a horror movie about killer bees but they want to smear your living room in honey and fake blood. Hmmm. Sounds like a buzzkill. You can say no if it isn’t a good fit or it just doesn't feel right. Most production companies treat private homes with great care, so wait for the next offer.
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