This home is open to a RENT TO OWN Option 1 FULL HOUSE.... 4 bed 3 bath = $2500 or Option 2 Upstairs Only 2 bed 1 bath $1300 mo. RENT TO OWN OPTION Downstairs Only 2 bed 2 bath $1100 mo Rental only RENT TO OWN No credit required...only need money to move in. 3-5 year contract Down payment is 2 months rent minimum ($5000 down) The Downpayment is credited toward a purchase in the future when you can buy... we will help give you time to get your credit or taxes or debt to income ratios approved by a bank, which all take time. $100 dollars per month is earned for payment on or before the 1st of each month. ($1200 per yr credit possible... $3600 in 3yr etc. ) We will pay your closing cost too. (additional $5000 value)
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