Was working from home a dream come true for you? Managing noise and distractions can quickly make focusing on work a nightmare if your office is in the wrong place or nonexistent. Soundproofing your home office setup can make a massive difference in your productivity levels. We are products of our environment, after all. Take a look at these practical tips to create a quieter workspace whether you’re a renter, homeowner or building a new home.
Being close to kiddos is a major perk of working from home. But sometimes we still need a quiet space to focus.
While squirreling yourself away in the basement for hours on end isn’t something you’d normally be encouraged to do, when trying to focus on work, it may be your best option. It doesn’t have to be the darkest room in the house, just somewhere with fewer distractions.
Spare rooms at the back of the house, attics, lofts or basement rooms tend to be quieter options. These rooms may have fewer shared walls and therefore less hubbub next door. If you’re building a new home, now is your chance to create a home office setup that you can easily make soundproof.
You can’t soundproof a room very well if it’s next to the happiest, noisiest rooms of the house. The kitchen, the TV room, the kids’ playroom — all wonderful places. But will you get anything done if you hear Susy and Jonny playing imaginary games all day?
A room at the back of the house might be the quietest place to work.
Ideally, choose a room that’s furthest away from these places. Perhaps a room in a far corner of the house, or a basement room if you have one. That way you can focus for hours at a time.
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There are options to soundproof your space even if you’re in a rental. A few simple upgrades can create a sound barrier for a quieter work environment, especially if you live in an apartment complex.
If you can easily tune out honking horns and downtown chatter, well, you might be a superhero! If not, that’s OK! Add a few things to your windows to stifle the noise from the streets. These are also rental friendly additions.
Tip: If possible, create your office in a room that’s furthest away from street noise.
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Sometimes you just won’t be able to drown out the noise with the above suggestions. Noise-canceling technology to the rescue! Get some comfortable noise-canceling headphones and play some classical music while you work. Or pick up a white noise machine to create calming background sounds.
A good pair of headphones can block out even the noisiest streets.
If you live in a smaller home or studio, you can still create a barrier that will block out some noise and distractions. Set up partitions with bookshelves around your workspace to create a separation between the rest of the room. Or add a stylish room divider with artwork or shelves built in.
Now that you have a soundproof home office setup, you might be the most focused person in your abode! If you’re still looking for a place, browse KSL Homes to find the perfect place to create a home office.